Sunday, April 29, 2007

Twisted Flicks a summary of today to come

So yeah, I forgot to mention that on friday I went to Twisted Flicks, yeah sorry. It's an improv show that takes old B-movies and suggestions from the audiance and they redub the diolouge to make fun of the movie and they redo all of the audio. It is really hilarious. It happens the last weekend of the month and since December I usually get invited to go. This time it was called Bloodlust, which I think was an adaptation of the short story "The Game". It had the guy who played Mr. Brady on the Brady Bunch. I went with Jeremy, Ja'son and Devon (he goes sailing with the aforementioned two and is a bass player in my orchestra) plus Ja'son's mom. One of my suggestions got picked, but I didn't win a prize for it. So thanks to me the whole movie the only swearword they used was jeepers. With the hilarious variations of "oh my jeepers!" "holy jeepers!" and my personal favourite "jeep you!"
Today I am mostly going to do homework. This moring I had hashbrows with jalepeƱo tabasco, which I love. maybe later I'll show you my lip balm collection or tell you the story behind my bump.

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