Wednesday, April 25, 2007

No More Ovaltine Please!

I like malt, I really like malt balls. I perfer brach's over whoppers, but I like whoppers. Whoppers seem less likely to continue to use real chocolate when they no longer have to, but I digress. I would probably like ovaltine. My family always made chocolate milk with syrup, so I have no experience with chocolate drink powder. However I will never, ever, ever, purchase ovaltine. This is because not only are the commercials pervasive, annoying, badly voiced and all around wierd. I am forced to listen to them every morning. EVERY morning, my school bus driver listens to a radio station that plays the commercials all the time, exspecially in the morning. Ovaltine sounds like a cold sore treatment and their commercials are annoying, but I'm sure their product is fine.

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