Saturday, April 28, 2007


Today I finally got my own viola, that was nice. They had forgotten to work on it over the course of the week that they said they were going to work on it, so my dad and I had a few hours to kill, in Capitol Hill. First we played Frisbee, but not with an actual Frisbee. Afterwards we hung out in a record store and listened to the entirety of James Gang Rides Again and bought an all-told $68 of cds. We ate piroskys, those are always good. Then we went to the violin shop to get the viola, a sixteen and a half inch one, so the sound is really good. It's really nice to finally have my own instrument, I've been renting for almost five years and it kind of sucks because everyone's been on my back about getting my own. Also I really liked the new episode of CSI, it was hilarious.

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