Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New template and colors

So I got a new template and changed up the color scheme a little, tell my what you think? Can you read it?


Rogue Onion said...

It's readable! It's original! It's not a pain to look at! (glances at drivel)

rayfreester said...

thanks, I too think that drivel is a bit too goldenrodtastic. I like brown, orange, grey and blue.

ja'son said...

i like the layout (i use it myself), but i would not have chosen the colour...

rayfreester said...

i really like brown, and when i close my eyes i don't actually have the image of my blog seared into my retinas. (srsly, i actually have your blogged seared into my retinas like it's a lightbulb i looked at)