Sunday, May 27, 2007


So last night my family went to the Seattle International Film Festival and watched Monkey Warfare, a Canadian movie whose name is a play on guerilla warfare. It is about a disillusioned middle-aged more-than-roomates-less-than-couple Linda and Dan. Linda and Dan are too young to have been hippies, but they are on the run from the law for something they did in Vancouver. They don't have a phone, computer or car, because they have to pay for everything in cash. Their only source of income is a brisk ebay-like site buisness, essentially they are professional dumpster divers. The movie opens up with a security guard coming out to check on a noise and then getting hit with a Molotov cocktail and catching on fire. Then we cut to Linda and Dan in a restuarant trying to figure out what to toast to, becuase they aren't married, but they've been together for 15 years. We then go to them biking home on beat-up bikes with milkcrate baskets. Linda stops at one of those piles of free stuff and shows her eye for valuable garbage. A little bit later we find out that their dope dealer has been busted and they're almost out. Dan runs into the young atractive Susan at a garage sale, it turns out that Susan is a dope dealer, the movie is about them trying to figure out their relationship with her. The music is radical rock from the sixties and the camera work, sets, costumes and acting felt very real, but the editing felt a little iMovie-o-rific. The movie moved slowly, but had good pacing. It was only an hour and 15 minutes with short, credits and a featurette at the end where we, the audience, learned how to make a Molotov cocktail in French. All in all pretty good. Then my family walked around Capitol Hill, the odd mingling of clubbers with their fauxhawks and bright colors and movie geeks, still muching on leftover popcorn. Tonight we are going to watch a Cuban movie.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mailbag Special!

So today when I got the mail I had two packages.

This is a styrofoam head that I got on ebay so I could start selling hats.

I finally got my balms for guest posting on Chaptastic.

Here's a view of their spiffy buisness card.

And here's the lipbalm, it's Crazy Rumors Perk French Vanilla Latte, a 5 out of 5 from Chaptastic and Alba Naturals Pineapple Quench, also 5 out of 5. With keychain lid, a buisness card and a thank-you note.
I think I should spraypaint the head for contrast against hats, what color do you recommend?

Twisted Flicks, good quotes.

Went to Twisted Flicks, got my foot stuck in a car door on the way home, but I'm fine. We got their almost an hour early and camped out in front sitting on our towel. The movie was, as always, good. Barefoot season is officially upon us, so that's good. Good quotes
"Don't Panic"
"You're comparing my brushing the heavens with your barely post-pubesent mostache?"
Towel day pictures soon.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Today, is well, today

Well yesturday was an orchestra concert. We did okay, I was a little rough at the beginning. We played an arrangment of the Overature to Barber of Seville (written by Rossini as a sequel to Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro) and an unarranged version (that means you are playing exactly what the composer wrote for each instrument) of the first movment (the jig) of St. Paul's Suite. Itsort of sounded like the theme from Pirates. The 8th graders, (just to clarify I am in frosh orchestra) played a song called Rosin Eating Zombies From Space, which was hit, but I didn't get to hear it. Then the upperclassmen played a well executed piece that I wasn't crazy about. Then, becuase this was the Gala concert and the last concert for the seniors in the Symphonic Orchestra, the orchestra teacher said stuff about the seniors, then the seniors talked about the teacher. Very sweet. Then they played the first suite form Carmen.
Afterward I had a fight with my parents, it started with usual my dad being kind of annoyed with my inconstant editorialising, it's not like I don't realize that it's annoying, I just can't stop myself. Then they mentioned my weight. I am over weight, since I got injured mid-wrestling season, I have been gaining more weight. I realize this, but they won't let me wrestle next year if I don't get down to 180 or at least 190, but preferably 175. They don't understand that wrestling is really the only excercise I like, and dieting sucks, and it's lame becuase none of my friends understand and I'm not a person that really needs to worry about apperance, I'm a geek, I could be drop-dead gorgous, and still be "weird" and therefore unattractive. My mom apolgized becuase some things got said that were especially hurtful. I'm sort of keeping my distance, also becuase whenever bad things happen I get really anxious and obsecesive. So expect some serious insomnia, although of I sort of know what to do when I'm too anxious to sleep. Today is towel day, but the towel is more functioning as a security blanket.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Guest Post!

So my guest post is up on Chaptastic! Go and check it out. I should have another one up later for a different balm.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New template and colors

So I got a new template and changed up the color scheme a little, tell my what you think? Can you read it?

42nd Post w00t!

So last post was my 42nd, to celebrate I will tell you about Towel Day, in comereration of Douglas Adams's death and celebration of his legacy. Here is the link. It's on friday may 25th. Why a towel? Here's why the author's own words. "A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have. Partly it has great practical
value - you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a bush, but very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.

More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitch hiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with."
So yeah. Happy Towel Day in advance.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Detritous and winsheildwiper beats

I am always astonished by the amount and type of detritious that I find, yet no one notices the implications of this detritous. This morning I found amoung the usual rocks, cigarrette butts and dog doots was a tampon applicator, with blood. The mind boggles at the thought of how that came to be. I almost understand how one would find condoms around my neighborhood, it is a heavily wooded area, it's a little grody, but understandible. The mind boggles at the possiblities that are implied by a tampon applicator, with blood! You see stuff of the side of the highway and you wonder how someone managed to get a magazine, tissue box, carton of orange juice and a teddy bear out of the window by acident.
Also it rained this morning, which means that the windsheild wipers were on. There're two of them, they never start at the same spot on their half of the windsheild, and the blades move at different speeds. So there are all kind of crazy interference beats. This has bothered me since I was in kindergarten, but now I have the words to describe the issue, this issue seems to be a problem on every schoolbus I have ever rode on. *Sigh*.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Today I did went to Sam's Club, but convinced my mom to get a Costco membership when the Sam's Club membership ran out in the fall. Then I did homework. Nuff said. Now go over to yesturday's Drivel Blog and look at the beatboxing floutist.

Friday, May 18, 2007

*Spoiler Alert*

I watched the CSI season finale last night. Creepy, the music, Natalie Davis is phsychotic. Oooh. I cried when I though that Grissom was going to bleed out right there. But the whole Sara thing leaves me kinda cold, she's not one of my favorite character, I kind of like Hodges better. Plus we all know the to be continued was just because they didn't know if they had to write Sara out or not. I'm only really mad becuase she's Grissom's girlfriend. I'm not being callous, Jorja Fox's performance feels stiff and Sara has become an increasingly unsympathetic character and her relationship with Grissom feels like a hearstring ploy. Not sure how much of this is the writing and how much of this is Fox's acting. As a note I have noticed that Grissom has gotten more and more excentric, open-minded and excited, not sure how much is the writing team gradually typing the character and how much this is Petersen honing the character, but I like. But the relationship does make him seem less, ... something. Not sure what, it brings him down to earth, he's deffinatly my favorite character. So yeah, to be continued sucks.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Beekeeping? Groceries?

So recently Ja'son of Drivel Blog, has become interested in beekeeping and is incouraging others to participate in it so he has some sort of support or something. My lizard brain is going "HOLY HELL, BEES, BEEEEEES, BEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS. HOLY HELL MY MAN, BEEEEEEEEEESSS." I have an excuse, when I was small there were a lot carpenter bees in my neighborhood, scary as hell. But my mammal brain says that it would be interesting and fulfilling, it would help me overcome my fears. Plus free honey and beeswax, and it's completly safe. So yeah.
Also I have recently learned that as you get older you get more and more uninhibited at the grocerie store, not in the aspect of your purchases, but in what you will do at the store. I was told this when I was mystified when I was informed by my English teacher that everyone standing my me in the grocery line will get an education ( I tend to "encyclopedia" when people ask questions). Apperently as you get older you have no problem going to the store in your pjs, buying embarrassing things and talking to people nearby about anything. Anyone else have any experience with this? Oh yeah and I went to the dentist today.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Doctors, today and baking

So yesturday I went to the doctor at Children's to get an opinoin on surgery. They said it probably wasn't cancer, because they see they exact same thing in most benign tumors, but for the sake of my fibula and pain issues (a lot and often, not good) it wouldn't be a bad idea, but isn't urgent. Children's has the vague feeling of being to young and the parking is based on pictorals. So the parking lot feels like and amusement park, until you look to the side and get obvious hospital vibes. While a resident was doing the usual roll your pants up, take off your shoes, press against my hand, walk across the room naturally thing the doctor opened the door on me. Today I went to school, watch Bass Lurmans Romeo+Juliet in English to compliment the text (teacher called the lenght we watched a snippito, gotta love a goofy teacher), played with dirt in science (hazardous waste unit, soil permeability, I am not in middle school and doing experiments to learn scientific method), went to a birthday celebration in school.
So I've been baking lately; not very good at it. I've made okay scones, but they never come out the same, I misread directions for biscuits, so they tasted of baking soda and weren't very tender. Then I make lemon bars, I ran out of flour, so I substituted oatmeal in the lemoney (or in my case limey) filling. And the filling never set, it's sweet lime goo on a crust. Not Good. But I still like baking.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sooooo, not much to say

So I am doing homework. Yesterday I my dad took my up to the Microsoft Campus to teach me how to drive in the parking lot. On friday I started my journey to make the best cheese-scones. I finnaly got around changing my printer's ink and my homework for science is to bring in a bag of dirt. Tomorrow we have a half-day in school. Today is Mother's day, I love my mom she gave me life, but I appreciate her just as much on every other day of the year. On Tuesday I have a surgical consult at a children's hospital becasue the hospital I was going to have surgery at can't legally administer anetestia to minors. Also you shold look here and here it's for your privacy.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Spideys and Smarties

So a night or two ago I was staying up late and my dad was watching Letterman, at the beginning they were seeing how many people dressed as Spiderman they could get in a Jamba Juice before new yorkers actually started caring. They put 21 Spideys in the shop, then they ran out of Spiderman costume, they also didn't have all male volunteers, so me and my dad played guess the Spidey's gender. So when they ran out of Spiderman costumes the sent in Superman, then a princess, Dracula, 2 people in gorilla suits, a dogfursuit, nobody even started looking until they sent in a guy dressed as Moses. At which point their was no room in the Jamba Juice. Anyway, thought is was funny.
It has recently come to my attention that Canadian Smarties aren't fruity, Spree-like candies, they are infact similar to M&M's. Live and learn. Still have never had one, I was just reading about them. I assumed that becuase their was no brown one that the colors indicated flavors in a small coated chew. Here's a picture to prove my point.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Nice try Ja'son

So earlier today I mentioned to Ja'son of DrivelBlog that we were getting the abestos removed from our house, and he thought that might be why I have a bump. Nice try, abestos causes lung cancer and lung cancer only, as far as I know. You're thinking of some other toxin.

Monday, May 7, 2007

News from Chaptastic

So I submitted another review to Chaptastic, they said that they are going to post my earlier review "soon" but that they might move me up a bit becasue I was awesome. Weee, someone awesome called me awesome!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Just Life, but a little interesting, I hope.

So on thursday after school I went to the orthodontist, but they didn't do anything becuase they decided what they did last time was going to last longer than the stuff they usually do. Got to listen to Daily Planet and my mom and I went shopping. For culture credit in Spanish class I had to make some Mexican food, I was going to make tacos de papa, but all the recipes that didn't call for instant mashed potatoes were in spanish, and google tranlated papa as pope instead of potatoe (el papa is the Pope, la papa is the potatoe). So I was stuck with recipes that called for a kilogram of boiled pope, not good. So I made pan de dulce, or sweet bread. Search for it on, that's the recipe I used. The breads were pretty good and made my house smell like a mexican bakery. In english class we abbriviated the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet, that was fun. During science class we are making hot air balloons out of tissue paper, to support the balloon while we were making it someone had to stand inside of it, we took turns but I spent the most time under, it felt sort of like that scene in the Matrix, right after Neo takes the pill, our balloon is red and blue, and my partners kept pushing on the paper to glue it. Other than that it was just really boring. I got home and and slept until NUMB3RS was on, then stayed up til 3. Right now we are getting the house ready to have the abestos removed and I have homework.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I found a pattern online from an old hippie magazine that posted it's archives online, it was linked from craftster. I really want to make a couple, and wear them. Patrticularily since I think I might be allergic to sunscreen and global warming is comin.